Monday, November 10, 2008

Quantum of Solace

You know how bad this movie is when I fell asleep right at the opening scene. Somehow I knew this is a waste of my weekend movie ticket when the opening scene had our 007 involved in a car chase and bullets flying. I never failed to be amazed when you see how many bullet holes resided on the car and how badly the car was smashed up but our dear hero always ends up still in a piece.

The remaining story is pretty much predictable - because there was nothing to predict as our dear hero gets involved with a lot of bullet-whizzing and explosions leaving a trail of destruction behind wherever he goes. The sequel to Casino Royale was a huge let-down with no efforts in character development which we see in Spiderman or Batman. The whole movie becomes a shallow work without substance and I don't like to spend my weekend ticket on such movies.

Our dear 007 was distraught after the betrayal and death of his former flame and sets out on a mission with a deadly personal vengeance. Tough and bo-chup on the outside, he is actually an Emo-boy in the inside. And I don't like the way he tries to hide his feelings and be so cool when he is actually crying and hugging his pillow to sleep every night (I made this up. But I think it's real).

The James Bond I know is supposed to be savue and shags around like nobody's business, not an emo chicken who gets upset over stepping on a cockroach. So much for the ball-smashing in Casino Royale. I hope our dear hero always remember to wear a ball-guard the next time he goes on a mission.

And the last parting shot was one of the corniest I have ever seen. When M asked him when he is coming back, he actually replied,"I never left." Aww...That is so damn bloody emo...and corny. The next thing you know, our emo boy could leave the organization and join the 'Save the animals' organization, as a campaign agent no less.

Conclusion: You have lost your balls, Mr bond. And compensate me for my movie ticket and 2 hours of worthless time.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

She knows best

"You know, someone like you shouldn't be doing sales." My mum said to me one day as I was sitting on the sofa, in a daze somewhat.

"Oh," I was pretty startled when she said that out of the blue. I was sitting on the sofa, thinking of something else - work to be precise. "Why not? And why do you say that suddenly?" I asked.

"I don't know. Just that your character doesn't seem suitable. It's not good for your health and your mental being," she replied.

"Huh? What about my health and my mental being? What has that got to do with my work or my character?" I probed further, totally not understanding what she meant.

"Because you are someone who absolutely hates to lose and you have a very strong competitive streak. You mind too much when things don't go your way. And you worry and think too much. It's not good for your health," she said before leaving me to myself.

Sometimes I don't like it when there are people who can read me like a book - even if it's my own mum. But she's right. I think I should really go a little easy on myself sometimes. After all, a mum knows best, right?