Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Didn't it occur to you that self-pity is just self-fulfilling your own prophecy? Didn't it occur to you that everything that has happened to you is created by yourself?

The way you whine about everything makes me sick. How you deserve better. How the world is unfair to you. How the world owes you a living. But how? The world was here first. And it doesn't revolve round you. And by the time you find out the harsh truth, it would have been too late.

I shed a tear at your naivety. The tell-tale signs were obvious for all to see. Everything is fair. Equivalent trade. You want something. You work for it. Nothing is free in this world. Everything which you have done - or not done, will result in what you reap today. Surprised? Why the surprise?

I cringed. I despaired. I hate to see someone fail and yet blame someone else for your own failure. You engineered your own failure. Face the consequences yourself. You are old enough to take responsibility for your own self. No house is built on thin air. Do you not see? No! No! You see not how nobody can help you if you don't help yourself. You see not those who actually encourage your pathetic self-pity are not your real friends. Real friends will show you the truth. Not encourage you to wallow in your self-pity.

One day and hopefully that day will come, you will find out you are but a mere pathetic idiot and how everyone has moved ahead and you are still where you were. And when that day comes, you will realize why you are a master of your own fate and how you have brought everything upon yourself. That day will come and I hope it's all not too late for you.

I would love to see you again. See you telling me your story. Telling me how things are. And I would love to see your change. If you have.

You...you are a fool.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


A light fog hung in the air as the first rays of the light shone into our cabin. In the distant, the churning of another train could be heard as our trains passed each other by. The view was greeted by rows and rows of willow trees, swaying and dancing to the rythem of the wind. And right at the background, we can see rows and rows of never ending mountains.

I took a peek at the watch. 6am. I had not slept much that night. My shoulder was numb and I dared not move, for fear of jostling you out of your sleep.

You stirred gently, with half your eye glazing out of the window of our train. Where are we already, you asked.

"I don't know," was my reply. "But I wish for this moment to last forever."

Wednesday, December 02, 2009




Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where did all the Chio-Bu go to?

I was on the MRT this other day during rush hours and you know about rush hours, where everyone is still half-awake and rushing for any empty seats available. I was unlucky as usual, and I had to stand throughout the whole journey. The only thing that can keep one awake is looking at the pretty OLs on the train.

I turned to the left - no luck.

To the right - Nah.

There were absolutely no eye-candy for me on the train. Everyone looks like a zombie who were forced to wake up and go to work and it makes the mood depressing somewhat. No Chio-bu during rush hour? How can?

Then it dawned on me. Pretty OLs got people to drive them to work. They don't take the MRT anymore. Only losers like me take the MRT.

MRT without chio-bu onboard really makes the world greyer.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The little boy next door

He had his fist clutched tightly on his report card and was fighting back his tears.

"They say if I don't do well in school, I will be a useless person in the future," he muttered. "And I do not want to be a useless person."

I feel for him because my grades were never fatanstic when I was schooling. I feel for him because I also questioned myself when I was his age.

But the day will come where he will understand that a person's achievements will not rely on just his report card alone. And one day, he will realize that this little worry he is facing today, will be nothing compared to the problems he will face in the future.

"So is it true?"he asked.

"What is?"

"About being a useless person if I don't do well in school."

"Nope, you will grow up to be just fine," was my reply.

Just as I did.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


There will come to a stage where everything to you seems like a joke and you realize that you are actually just another clown in life's circus. You laugh on stage and weep to yourself in the make-up room and after some time as you mature, problems that seem big to you then doesn't seem to mean anything now.

And so, you understand whatever it is, the world doesn't stop for you and it certainly doesn't revolve around you and you pick yourself up and move on, learning yet another lesson along the way.

Because life is simply too short to bear grudges and certainly too short to not to have fun. You can have everything in life but you will leave as how you came - with nothing.

Thus, whatever it is, smile. Shit happens, smile. Because every shit that happens is actually yet another learning process. So, smile.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

You know you are going to have a bad day when..

- You suddenly have an urge to go jogging when you wake up and less than halfway through your run, it starts to rain cats and dogs.

- You dress up to go to work and along the pavement, a car suddenly sped past and drenching you in the process.

- You are waiting for a taxi at the roadside and 2 inconsiderate bastards who come later than me walked a bit further down and snatched my cab. I had to wait another 30 minutes before I managed to get one cab. I hope their taxis break down along the expressway.

- You reach the office late and wet and realized you have an appointment waiting for you. I totally clean forgotten the appointment.

- You went for lunch and realized you left your wallet in the office.

This is enough for one day. Obviously someone up there doesn't like me today.:(