Saturday, January 14, 2006

On leadership

Wherever there is a big group, there will be problems. Wherever there are problems, there has to be a leader to stand up and try to solve the problems in a diplomatic way so that majority will be satisfied. What if all the voices start coming in together all proclaiming to be leaders?

Then you will get a much bigger problem than before.

When I was schooling, there was a big emphasis on leadership and the school will engage the so called 'experts' to come to the school to give talks encouraging students to speak up and be a leader. If a class of 40 people all turn out to be leaders, who will be the followers?

I'm afraid such education seems to have a much negative effect than postive to the students. Because most people seem to have misinterpert the actual meaning.

Many tend to believe that by having the final say, they have achieved that 'leader' badge.

A: Let's go using the left path.
B: Why left? The path on the right is also the same distance. Why not go in from the right?

Slap your balls lah. Since its the same, why not just follow? Instead time has been wasted debating the correct path to use. Most wise guys would have just go and shut up. But no, somehow some people just love to have that final say. Instead of showing yourself a leader, you just showed what a fool you are. Slap your balls again.

The leader is the one doing the most dirty work, not the one shouting off instructions and expecting people to follow while he sits down and shake his balls.

Need I say more? Slap your balls again. You honestly expect people to follow your instructions while you shake balls?

One golden rule people tend to forget. When one talks, the rest shut up. Instead you hear so many voices talking at the same time, competing who has the loudest voice around. Many ideas, many arguements. In the end, no work done. Instead, harmony is distrupted and the battle of egos starts.

To be a good leader, you have to be an even better follower.

How do you expect to gain respect when you cannot cooperate with others? How do you lead when you cannot even do well what has been expected of you? Do you think by opposing every idea and insisting on your own, you gain respect?

Of course, there will be many point of views from each individual and it is healthy to point them out. But before speaking up, one should always think carefully. Is my opinion going to help the cause? Is it really a better option? Why so?

Always back up your opinions with valid reasons. Not talk for the sake of making your presence felt.

Refreshing from those leadership courses and those so-called 'How to be a leader' books, they seemed to have miss out something very important. They have forgotten the real objective for the need to have a leader.

The main objective of a leader is to ensure that the whole operation works smoothly with minimal delay and fuss, not to be the one with the loudest voice and the final say.

Still don't understand? Never mind. Go slap your balls.

The reason for this post is because I am sick and tired of the number of voices I hear whenever something crops up. Whenever such things occur, the actual problem is seldom solved. Instead more problems began to pile up and everyone is unhappy with everyone. Nowadays, I will prefer to sit one side and wait for the arguement to end and the 'solution' to arise somehow. Its much better for my health this way.


At 4:16 PM, Blogger XinHui said...

lol juz relax lor... maybe will meet better bunkmates next time? :D

At 12:47 AM, Blogger malmoncolo said...

Nah...most of my bunkmates are ok la....i am just speaking in general..

At 4:07 AM, Blogger XinHui said...

Eh, if that's the case then no matter where you go, it's usually the same case. Ain't it?


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